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Not going to the office with all of your co-workers or employees every day can leave you struggling to be productive. There are several ways to start working, get in and stay in the flow. It all comes down to you: what works for you and what does not. There is no silver bullet, not a one-fits-all recipe.


Having a routine is a really great way to switch your brain to work-mode. Do one simple thing everytime you want to work. It can be brewing a large mug of coffee. If you are used to walk to the work, you can have a stroll around your house. A bit of movement never hurts and it will switch you from hotme-time to work-time. Keep it simple, repeatibility is the key.

My personal routine as simple as a breakfast. I turn on my computer after a breakfast and easily get in the flow. My body is used to the routine and knows what to expect. When I struggle in the afternoon, I listen to electric music.


Be mindful of your surroundings and use it to your advantage. You know yourself, figure out what you can do to avoid disruptions and what you can do to improve your focus. Do you like to be in a lively place? You can work from a café. Do you like an office space? Get access to a co-working office. Do you love to have the comfort of your own place? There’s nothing easier (and probably cheaper) than working from your own desk.

Environment is not only about the chair you sit in. Use music to your advantage. Noise cancelling headphones can go a long way when you need to work on an airport or in a noisy café.

No matter what you choose, be sure to adjust it to your taste. Working remotely shoul not keep you from using the right tools for you. If you can focus the best only when you have a keyboard and a second monitor, working from café might not work the best, but it is possible in a co-working office.


Hardest part of keeping in flow. There is nothing worse than an urgent call just when you are on the brink of solution to a problem you were working on for the last hour. Be mindful of what you let through. Unimportant phone notification every minute, waiter asking you if you want another coffee or neighbours dog can be very distracting. Be mindful of what can break your focus and try to limit it. Having a routine of off your phone when you start working could help. Nobody can distract you work when your customers or colleagues are still in bed. You can change your environment to avoid that dog.

Wrap Up

  • Get a routine
  • Choose where you work
  • Use tools to help increase focus
  • Reduce distractions
  • These high level four steps can be generalized even more: Be mindful of what you and why you do it do at every step.

Let me know below what you do to get in the flow.

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Jirka Kulovany



Jirka Kulovany

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